Traveling through northern Alberta: the sights, the people, and of course, the food.

Friday, February 12, 2010

New Job!

I decided to do something that quite a few people have told me is crazy, but in my mind is perfectly normal (side note: does that make me crazy?), and take a dietitian position in Edmonton Alberta. Let me clarify, just in case you start to think that there is something terribly and inconceivably wrong with Edmonton. There isn't. It's just that I decided to leave my husband (not leave the marriage leave, just (just?) geographically leave) and my two very very naughty kitties (incentive to leave?) in Toronto, while I took a job with the University that requires me to travel around northern Alberta for most of any given month (with summers off! I feel like a teacher...), disseminating nutrition information.

The Good Stuff

I felt good about Edmonton when we traveled through last summer (for about 5 WHOLE hours), and felt that this was definitely a city I could live in. I love to travel and see new and interesting places. I love trying all sorts of new foods. I love going out to new places and trying new things. And I love being a dietitian. I get to talk about food all day. Seriously. I challenge you to think of something better. Challenge, I say!

The Not-So-Good Stuff

I know nobody here, except for (super strangely!) the dietitian whom I am replacing. I went to University with him - in Winnipeg! Small world? Why yes, yes it is. But he's leaving. For where you ask? If you guessed Toronto, I'll send you a nickel. Seriously. Leave me a comment and I'll send you a nickel. A Canadian nickel, that is. An Albertan nickel, to be specific.

So here I am. In the prairie. Again. Alone this time around. Will I get eaten by bears or will I survive to eat my next piece of sushi? Stay tuned to the elk by the side of the road...